Digital Signal Processing Algorithm, Architecture, and VLSI Circuits

Terahertz Compressive Sensing Single-Pixel Imaging SOC Processor:

Terahertz (THz) imaging attracts great research attention recently because it is anticipated in many applications, such as nondestructive security screening, defect screening of integrate circuits, spectroscopy, and bioinformatics. However, the fabrication of THz source generators and detectors are still immature and, therefore, it is difficult to realize array detector for THz imaging system. Thus, single-pixel imaging techniuqe is widely applied to implement the terahertz imaging systems in the literature. Single-pixel imaging technology utilizes only one detector to measure the THz signals, which are spatially moduated by the masking pattern and the object profile image based on compressive sensing theory. This project aims to develop the image reconstruction algorithm and VLSI chips for various 2D profile and hyperspectral single-pixel compressed imaging system.

THz Single-Pixel Compressive Sensing Imaging System
SOC Architecture and Demonstration of THz Single-Pixel Compressive Sensing Imaging System.
Reconstructed images of refraction index and depth of Ge and Si.

Algirthm and VLSI Design for Tensor-Based Compressive Sensing and Signal Processing

Tensor signal processing processor executes the mutli-dimensional signal decomposition or reconstruction processing in various applications, such as artificial inteligence imaging, compressed imaging, and massive MIMO communications. This project aims to design and implement the advanced hardware-friendly algorithm, architecture, and VLSI circuits for general tensor-based signal processor.