Journal articles

Conference papers

  • Masahito Oh-e,
    “Mastering liquid crystal phase technologies for terahertz modulation,”
    Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (APCEAS 2025), Paper ID: 235 (Nagoya, Japan, Jan. 6‒9, 2025). [Invited]
  • Masahito Oh-e,
    “Novel switching of liquid crystals for use in rapid THz modulation: Mastering liquid crystals beyond displays,”
    Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2024), Paper number: S7-invited (Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 26‒29, 2024). [Invited]
  • Chun-Han Chen, Deng-Yun Zheng, and Masahito Oh-e,
    “Dimensional effects of electrodes on liquid crystal THz phase modulation between in-plane and out-of-plane,”
    Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2024), Paper number: 2024-THU-P0702-P009* (Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 26‒29, 2024).
  • Chi-Yang Yen, Shailesh Rana, Kamlesh Awasthi, Nobuhiro Ohta, and Masahito Oh-e,
    “Fluorescence properties of fluorescein-labeled cellulose: Anomalously reduced radiative decay,”
    Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2023), Paper ID: 0019 (Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 1‒3, 2023).
  • Masahito Oh-e,
    “Novel switching of liquid crystals for use in THz phase shifters with rapid responses discovered from the dimensional effects of electrodes,”
    SPIE Photonics West 2023, 12442-1 (San Francisco, CA, USA, Jan. 28‒Feb. 2, 2023). [Invited]
  • Meng-Hsiang Chang, Chi-Yang Yen, and Masahito Oh-e,
    “Cellulose photonics: Kinetic arrest during the drying of cellulose nanocrystal films from aqueous suspensions,”
    Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2022), Paper ID: 0769 (Zhongli (Chungli), Taiwan, Dec. 2‒4, 2022).
  • Masahito Oh-e,
    “Intriguing molecular alignment in display materials,”
    2nd International Conference on Nanotechnology and Engineering, Nov. 15‒16, Bangkok, Thailand (2021).(Online) [Keynote]
  • Masahito Oh-e,
    “Advancing the a posteriori quest for deep-blue phosphorescence,”
    2nd Advanced Materials Science World Congress 2021, (Berlin, Germany, June 14‒15, 2021). (Online) [Invited]
  • Deng-Yun Zheng, Meng-Hsiang Chang, Ci-Ling Pan, and Masahito Oh-e,
    “Effects of O2 plasma treatments on photolithographically patterning an organic conductive material,”
    Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC 2020), Paper ID: 0688 (Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 3‒5, 2020).
  • Deng-Yun Zheng, Meng-Hsiang Chang, Ci-Ling Pan, and Masahito Oh-e,
    “Effects of O2 plasma treatments on photolithography for patterning PEDOT:PSS,”
    2nd IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, T200185 Communication and Engineering 2020 (IEEE ECICE 2020), (Yunlin, Taiwan, Oct. 23–25, 2020).
    • Masahito Oh-e,
      “Molecular alignment and orientation in LCDs and OLEDs,”
      International Conference on Laser, Optics and Photonics (Optophotonics-2020) (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 13‒14, 2020; Canceled due to the coronavirus). [Plenary talk]
    • Masahito Oh-e,
      “Randomization and constraint of molecular alignment and orientation in vapor-deposited thin films of an organic cross-shaped molecule,”
      Collaborative Conference on Materials Science and Technology (CCMST2019), (Shanghai, China, Oct. 14‒18, 2019). [Invited]
    • Masahito Oh-e,
      “Analysis of molecular orientations of vapor-deposited organic semiconductor molecules for OLEDs: Coexistence of randomization and constraint of molecular orientation”,
      18th International Union of Materials Research Societies International Conference in Asia (IUMRS‒ICA) (Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 5‒9, 2017). [Invited]
    • Masahito Oh-e,
      “Anisotropic molecular orientations of cross-shaped bulky molecules observed in the bulk of a thin film,”
      3rd Asian Conference on Liquid Crystals (ACLC 2017) (Tainan, Taiwan, Feb. 13–15, 2017).
    • David R. Evans, Masahito Oh-e, and Mathew D. Halls,
      “Theoretical calculation of charge transport properties in amorphous organic semiconductor films,”
      10th International Conference on Electroluminescence & Organic Optoelectronics (Cologne, Germany, Aug. 31–Sep. 3, 2014).
    • Morio Isoda, Inseon Seo, Fumito Araoka, Masahito Oh-e, Daigo Miyajima, Takuzo Aida, and Hideo Takezoe,
      “Sum-frequency generation spectroscopy for the ferroelectric columnar liquid crystal: Searching the polarization switching dynamics,”
      1st Asian Conference on Liquid Crystals (Fuji, Japan, Dec. 16–18, 2012).
    • Hidenori Ogata, Ken Okamoto, Ayataka Endo, Masakazu Kamura, Yoshimasa Fujita, Mitsuhiro Koden, and Masahito Oh-e,
      “Anisotropy in the amorphous film of cross-shaped molecules with an accompanying effect on carrier mobility,”
      9th International Conference on Electroluminescence & Organic Optoelectronics (Fukuoka, Japan, Sep. 3–7, 2012).
    • Tetsuji Itoh, Shigeru Aomori, Masahito Oh-e, Mitsuhiro Koden, and Katsumi Kondo,
      “New oxidation-resistant organic semiconductors for thin film transistors: Synthesis and characterizations of N,N’-dialkylated dihydrodiazapentacene derivatives,”
      MRS Fall Meeting (Boston, MA, USA, Nov. 28–Dec 2, 2011).
    • Haesik Min, Hyeon Gi Shin, Sung Soo Kim, Hyeonsik Cheong, Masahito Oh-e, and Doseok Kim,
      “The surface and bulk structures of poly-(L-lactic acid) films studied by vibrational sum-frequency generation spectroscopy,”
      Workshop on Innovation Cluster for Bio-Fusion Industry based on Nano Technology, (Gyeongju, Republic of Korea, Feb 8–10, 2010).
    • Haesik Min, Hyeon Gi Shin, Sung Soo Kim, Hyeonsik Cheong, Masahito Oh-e, and Doseok Kim,
      “The surface and bulk structures of poly-(L-lactic acid) films studied by vibrational sum-frequency generation spectroscopy,”
      The 6th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices, (Jeju, Republic of Korea, Dec 9–11, 2009).
    • Hyeon Gi Shin, Haesik Min, Sung Soo Kim, Sanghoon Song, Hyeonsik Cheong, Hyunjung Kim, Masahito Oh-e, and Dseok Kim,
      “Surface and bulk structures of poly-(L-lactic acid) films studied by sum-frequency generation spectroscopy,”
      The Optical Society of Korea 20th Anniversary Special Meeting, (Gwanju, Republic of Korea, Oct 20–21 2009).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Rajesh S. Pillai, G. J. Brakenhoff, and Michiel Müller,
      “Imaging colloidal particle induced topological defects in a nematic liquid crystal by using third-harmonic generation microscopy,”
      Boulder International Workshop, Light-Controlled Liquid Crystal Complex Adaptive Materials – LC2CAM, (Boulder, CO, USA, Aug.6–10, 2008).
    • Jin Seog Gwag, Masahito Oh-e, Makoto Yoneya, Hiroshi Yokoyama, H. Satou, and S. Itami,
      “Nanoimprinting material for homeotropic liquid crystal alignment at periodic surface relief,”
      22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2008) (Jeju, Republic of Korea, June 29–July 4, 2008).
    • Takyu Shim, Sunghyum Kim, Doseok Kim, Masahito Oh-e,
      “Fluorescence enhancement of dye-doped liquid crystal by dye-induced alignment effect,”
      22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2008) (Jeju, Republic of Korea, June 29–July 4, 2008).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Rajesh S. Pillai, G. J. Brakenhoff, and Michiel Müller,
      “Imaging colloidal particle induced topological defects in a nematic liquid crystal,”
      22nd International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2008) (Jeju, Republic of Korea, June 29–July 4, 2008).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Mattijs Koeberg, Euan Hendry, and Mischa Bonn,
      “THz time-domain spectroscopy of liquid crystal and liquid crystal colloid,”
      235th ACS National Meeting (New Orleans, LA, USA, Apr. 6–10, 2008).
    • Masahito Oh-e,
      “Probing surface and chirality of polymers and liquid crystals: Opportunities in sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy,”
      8th Chitose International Forum on Photonics Science & Technology (Chitose, Japan, Nov. 29–30, 2007). [Invited]
    • Jin Seog Gwag, Masahito Oh-e, Makoto Yoneya, and Hiroshi Yokoyama,
      “Advanced nanoimprinting material for liquid crystal alignment,”
      The 7th International Meeting on Information Display and the International Display Manufacturing Conference (Daegu, Republic of Korea, Aug. 27–31, 2007).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Mattijs Koeberg, Euan Hendry, and Mischa Bonn,
      “Liquid crystal and liquid crystal colloid studied by THz time-domain spectroscopy,”
      The 7th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Pacific Rim 2007), Paper# FH2_5 (Seoul, Republic of Korea, Aug. 26–31, 2007).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Hiroshi Yokoyama,
      “Various surfaces of polymers for liquid crystal alignment,”
      The 10th Asian Symposium on Information Display (ASID ’07) (Singapore, Aug. 2–3, 2007). [Invited]
    • Masahito Oh-e, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Mattijs Koeberg, Euan Hendry, and Mischa Bonn,
      “THz time-domain spectroscopy of liquid crystal colloids,”
      SPIE Photonics West 2007 (San Jose, CA, USA, Jan. 20–25, 2007). [Invited]
    • Masahito Oh-e,
      “Detection of chirality from a helically structured polymer thin film: Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopic study,”
      232nd ACS National Meeting (San Francisco, CA, USA, Sep. 10–14, 2006). [Invited]
    • Masahito Oh-e,
      “Molecular orientational surface structures of polymers for liquid crystal alignment,”
      The 6th International Meeting on Information Display and the International Display Manufacturing Conference (Daegu, Republic of Korea, Aug. 23–25, 2006). [Invited]
    • Masahito Oh-e, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Mattijs Koeberg, Euan Hendry, and Mischa Bonn,
      “Liquid crystal colloids studied by THz time-domain spectroscopy,”
      21st International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2006) (Keystone, CO, USA, July 2–6, 2006).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Doseok Kim, and Hiroshi Yokoyama,
      “Nonlinear optical spectroscopy of polyimide surface for homeotropic liquid crystal alignment,”
      American Physical Society March Meeting (APS MAR05) (Los Angeles, CA, USA, Mar. 21–25, 2005). Bulletin of the American Physical Society March Meeting, 50, 276 (2005).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Shinichi Yorozuya, Kazuo Akagi, and Y. R. Shen,
      “Chirality probed by sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy for helically structured conjugated polymer thin films,”
      229th ACS National Meeting (San Diego, CA, USA, Mar. 13–17, 2005).
    • Masahiro Kawasaki, Shuji Imazeki, Masahiko Ando, and Masahito Oh-e,
      “Bottom contact organic thin-film transistors with thiol-based SAM treatment,”
      206th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (Honolulu, HI, USA, Oct. 3–8, 2004).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Yuka Tabe, and Hiroshi Yokoyama,
      “Anisotropy of alkyl chains by isomerization of azobenzene: A sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopic study,”
      Nonlinear Optics: Materials, Fundamentals, and Applications (NLO2004), Paper# WD14 (Waikoloa, HI, USA, Aug. 2–6, 2004).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Shinichi Yorozuya, Kazuo Akagi, and Y. R. Shen,
      “Chirality probed by sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy for helically structured conjugated liquid crystalline polymers,”
      20th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2004) (Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 4–9, 2004).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Doseok Kim, and Hiroshi Yokoyama,
      “Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy of polyimide surfaces,”
      16th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-16) (Venice, Italy, June 28–July 2, 2004).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Hiroshi Yokoyama, Shinichi Yrozuya, Kazuo Akagi, and Y. R. Shen,
      “Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy of helically structured conjugated polymers,”
      American Physical Society March Meeting (APS MAR04) (Montreal, Canada, Mar. 22–26, 2004). Bulletin of the American Physical Society March Meeting, 49, 1415 (2004)
    • Masahito Oh-e, Yuka Tabe and Hiroshi Yokoyama,
      “Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopic study of azobenzene molecules on water: Anisotropy of alkyl chains by isomerization of azobenzene,”
      7th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces, and Nanostructures (Nara, Japan, Nov. 16–20, 2003).
    • Masahito Oh-e and Y. R. Shen,
      “Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy of polymer surfaces for LC alignment,”
      2nd International Symposium of Polymer Surface Characterization (Orlando, USA, Nov. 11–13, 2002).
    • Masahito Oh-e and Y. R. Shen,
      “Nonlinear optical spectroscopic studies of polymer surfaces for LC alignment: A photo-irradiated polyimide surface,”
      19th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2002) (Edinburgh, UK, June 30–July 5, 2002).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Doseok Kim and Y. R. Shen,
      “Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopic study of a rubbed polyimide surface”,
      21st International Display Research Conference (IDRC 2001) (Nagoya, Japan, Oct. 16–19, 2001).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Doseok Kim and Y. R. Shen,
      “Nonlinear optical spectroscopic studies of polyimide surfaces and LC adsorbates,”
      IUPAC 3rd International Congress on Analytical Sciences (Tokyo, Japan, Aug. 6–10, 2001)
    • Masahito Oh-e, Doseok Kim and Y. R. Shen,
      “Rubbing-induced alignment of polyimide surfaces studied by sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy,”
      6th European Conference on Liquid Crystals (Halle (saale), Germany, Mar. 25–30, 2001)
    • Masahito Oh-e,
      “In-plane switching electro-optical effect of nematic liquid crystals,”
      (Glenn H. Brown Laureate Talk)18th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2000) (Sendai, Japan, July 24–28, 2000). [Invited]
    • Masahito Oh-e, Alexander I. Lvovsky, Xing Wei and Y. R. Shen,
      “Nonlinear optical studies of surface structures of rubbed polyimides and adsorbed liquid crystal monolayers,”
      18th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2000) (Sendai, Japan, July 24–28, 2000).
    • Seok-Cheol Hong, Masahito Oh-e, Y. R. Shen, Jason Ge, F. W. Harris and S. Z. D. Cheng,
      “Second-harmonic generation study of the surface of a rubbed side-chain polymer and liquid crystal adsorbates,”
      APS March Meeting 2000 (Minneapolis, MN, USA, Mar. 20–24, 2000).
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Masahito Oh-e, Shigeru Matsuyama, Nobutake Konishi, Hiroyuki Kagawa and Katsumi Kondo,
      “18.0-in.-diagonal super-TFTs with a fast response speed of 25 msec,”
      Society for Information Display International Symposium (San Jose, CA, USA, May 16–21, 1999).
    • Masahito Oh-e and Katsumi Kondo,
      “Evaluation and optimization methods of liquid crystal materials for in-plane switching electro-optical effect,”
      17th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 1998) (Strasbourg, France, July 19–24, 1998).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Yoshiyuki Umeda, Masuyuki Ohta, Sukekazu Aratani and Katsumi Kondo,
      “Advantageous voltage-holding ratio characteristics using in-plane switching of nematic liquid crystals,”
      4th International Display Workshops (IDW’07) (Nagoya, Japan, Nov. 1997).
    • Makoto Yoneya, Masuyuki Ohta, Masahito Oh-e and Katsumi Kondo,
      “Performance optimization of in-plane switching AMLCDs with systematic device simulations,”
      SPIE Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Displays Technology and Applications (San Jose, CA, USA, Feb. 1997).
    • Katsumi Kondo, Sukekazu Aratani, Masahito Oh-e, and Masuyuki Ohta,
      “Pixel design concept for super TFT-LCDs,”
      17th Internatonal Display Research Conference (Toronto, Canada, Sep. 15–19, 1997).
    • Sukekazu Aratani, Hagen Klausmann, Masahito Oh-e, Masuyuki Ohta, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Kazuhiko Yanagawa and Katsumi Kondo,
      “Complete suppression of color shift in in-plane switching mode liquid crystal displays with a multidomain structure obtained by unidirectional rubbing,”
      The Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (Chiba (Makuhari), Japan, July 14–18, 1997).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Masuyuki Ohta and Katsumi Kondo,
      “Physical behavior of nematic liquid crystals using in-plane switching mode,”
      16th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 1996) (Kent, OH, USA, June 24–28, 1996).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Msuyuki Ohta and Katsumi Kondo,
      “Switching and response principles of the in-plane switching mode,”
      25th Freiburg Liquid Crystal Conference (Freiburg, Germany, Mar. 1996). [Invited]
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Masahito Oh-e and Katsumi Kondo,
      “Development of super-TFT-LCDs with in-plane switching display mode,”
      15th International Display Research Conference (Hamamatsu, Japan, Oct. 16–18, 1995).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Masuyuki Ohta, Sukekazu Aratani and Katsumi Kondo,
      “Principles and characteristics of electro-optical behavior with in-plane switching mode,”
      15th International Display Research Conference (Hamamatsu, Japan, Oct. 16–18, 1995).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Masuyuki Ohta, Katsumi Kondo and Syuichi Oh-hara,
      “Relationship between display quality and cell parameters in the in-plane switching mode of nematic liquid crystals,”
      15th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 1994) (Budapest, Hungary, July 3–8, 1994).
    • Masahito Oh-e, Masato Isogai, Katsumi Kondo and Teruo Kitamura,
      “Layer structure and bistability of ferroelectric liquid crystals on various surface conditions,”
      14th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 1992) (Pisa, Italy, June 21–26, 1992).
    • Masato Isogai, Masahito Oh-e,
      “Electrooptical switching of ferroelectric liquid crystals in electrically distorted chevron structure,”
      5th International Topical Meeting on Optics of Liquid Crystals (Cetraro, Italy, Oct. 1–5, 1990).

    Domestic conferences

    • Chun-Han Chen, Deng-Yun Zheng, and Masahito Oh-e,
      “Dimensional effects of electrodes on liquid crystal THz phase modulation between in-plane and out-of-plane,”
      2024 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Liquid Crystal Society (TLCS 2024), Paper ID: PP-10 (Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 13, 2024).

    • Meng-Hsiang Chang, Chi-Yang Yen, and Masahito Oh-e,
      “Cellulose photonics: Kinetic arrest during the drying of cellulose nanocrystal films from aqueous suspensions,”
      2023 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Liquid Crystal Society (TLCS 2023), Paper ID: PP-13 (Toufen City, (Miaoli), Taiwan, Dec. 15, 2023).
    • Masahito Oh-e, “In-plane switching technology─Looking back on the early days of research and development─,”
      Annual Meeting of Taiwan Liquid Crystal Society (TLCS 2019), National Chiao Tung University (Hsinchu), Taiwan, Dec. 20, 2019. [Invited]
    • Anup Kumar Sahoo,Chan-Shan Yang,Chun-Ling Yen,Deng Yun Zheng,Hung Chun Lin,Yi-Hsin Lin,Osamu Wada,Masahito Oh-e, and Ci-Ling Pan,
      “利用PEDOT: PSS電極之太赫茲液晶相位調製器(Liquid crystal based terahertz phase shifter using pristine PEDOT:PSS transparent conducting film,”
      2019台湾物理年會,P1-OE-063, 台湾國立交通大学(新竹),Jan 17, 2019.
    • Masahito Oh-e (大江 昌人)
      “Analytical studies on organic materials for next generation displays –targeting LCD & OLED –,”
      2017年台北國際光電大展一台灣前瞻學術專區, 南港世貿展覽館(台北),June 14–16, 2017; 光連雙月刊2017年5月‧No.129, p. 47 (2017).
    • David R. Evans,Mathew D. Halls,梅田時由,遠藤礼隆,大江昌人
      有機EL討論会 第21回例会,S4-3,九州大学 伊都キャンパス,2016年11月12–13日.
    • David R. Evans1,Mathew D. Halls,Masahito Oh-e (大江 昌人)
      “パーコレーション補正ランダムウォークモデルを用いた アモルファス膜中のキャリア移動度の計算,”
    • 中野博史,大江昌人
      第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,12a-A25-3,東海大学 湘南キャンパス,2015年3月11–14日.
    • 荒岡史人,磯田盛夫,大江昌人,宮島大吾,相田卓三,竹添秀男,
    • 大江昌人
      “有機EL研究開発の現状: パネルディスカッションの前に話題提供,”
      第24回ファインテックジャパン,東京ビックサイト(東京) ,2014年4月17日.  [Invited]
    • 中野博史,大江昌人
      第61 回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,19p-E11-11,青山学院大学 相模原キャンパス,2014年3月17–20日.
    • 大江昌人,
      “有機薄膜の分子配向解析: Sum-frequency generation spectroscopy-液晶・配向膜の表面/界面から有機EL薄膜まで-,”
      有機EL討論会 第17回例会,S2-2,朱鷺メッセ:新潟コンベンションセンター (新潟),2013年11月18–19日.[Invited]
    • 尾方秀謙,岡本健,遠藤礼隆,香村勝一,藤田悦昌,向殿充浩,大江昌人
      有機EL討論会 第15回例会,S6-4,くにびきメッセ(松江),2012年11月21–22日.
    • 伊藤哲二,青森繁,大江昌人,向殿充浩,荒川泰彦,
      第23回基礎有機化学討論会,C20,京都テルサ(京都),2012年9月19–21 日.
    • 香村勝一,伊藤哲二,青森繁,大江昌人,北村雅季,荒川泰彦,
      第72回応用物理学秋季学術講演会,30-a-V15,p12-015,山形大学 小白川キャンパス(山形),2011年8月29–9月2日.
    • 大江昌人,
      “液晶と配向膜の表面/界面における分子配向解析― Nonlinear Opticsをツールとして ―,”
    • 香村勝一,青森繁,葛本恭崇,伊藤哲二,大江昌人,北村雅季,荒川泰彦,
    • 大江昌人,横山浩,Rajesh S. Pillai, Michiel Müller,
      “Third-harmonic generation (THG) microscopyを用いた液晶コロイドにおけるトポロジカル欠陥のイメージング,”
    • 大江昌人,横山浩,Rajesh S. Pillai,Michiel Müller,
      “Third-harmonic generation (THG) microscopyによる液晶コロイドにおけるトポロジカル欠陥のイメージング,”
      2007年日本液晶学会討論会,3pC04,東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス(東京),2007年9月12–14日.
    • 大江昌人
    • 大江昌人,横山浩,Mattijs Koeberg, Euan Hendry, Mischa Bonn,
      “液晶コロイドのTHz time-domain spectroscopy: ネマチック液晶の高周波数誘電特性,”
      分子構造総合討論会,1A09 ,グランシップ(静岡),2006年9月20–23日.
    • 大江昌人,横山浩,Mattijs Koeberg, Euan Hendry, Mischa Bonn,
      “液晶コロイドのTHz time-domain spectroscopy: ネマチック液晶の高周波数誘電特性,”
      2006年日本液晶学会討論会,3D12,秋田大学 手形キャンパス(秋田),2006年9月13–15日.
    • 大江昌人
      “Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy of probing surfaces and chirality,”
    • 大江昌人,横山浩,萬谷慎一,多田直樹,赤木和夫,M. A. Belkin,Y. R. Shen,
      “Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopyによるカイラリティープロービング:らせん状共役系ポリマー膜のchiral信号の検出,”
      分子構造総合討論会,3B14, 広島国際会議場(広島),2004年9月27–30日.
    • 大江昌人,横山浩,Doseok Kim,
      “垂直配向ポリイミド膜の表面構造:A sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopic study,”
    • 大江昌人,横山浩,Y. R. Shen,
      “Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopyによるポリマー表面の構造,”
    • 大江昌人,横山浩,萬谷慎一,赤木和夫,
      “らせん状共役系を有する液晶性ポリマーのカイラリティ-プロービング:A sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopic study (2),”
    • 大江昌人,Seok-Cheol Hong,Y, R, Shen,
      “Orientations of phenyl sidegroups and LC molecules on a rubbed polystyrene surface: A sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopic study (1),”
    • 大江昌人,横山浩,萬谷慎一,赤木和夫,
      “らせん状共役ポリマーのSum-Frequency Vibrational Spectroscopy,”
    • 大江昌人
      “Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy of polymer surfaces for liquid crystal alignment,”
    • 大江昌人
      Y. R. Shen,“A sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopic study of polyimide: Photo-induced bond breaking at polymer surfaces,”
    • 大江昌人,Y. R. Shen,
      “Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopyを用いた光照射したポリイミド表面の解析,”
    • 大江昌人,Y. R. Shen,
      “Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy of polyimide: Surface anisotropy from photo-induced bond breaking at polymer surfaces,”
    • 大江昌人,Y. R. Shen,
      “Rubbing-induced surface structures of polyimide and its interaction with an LC monolayer studied by sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy: Orientations of imide CO & side alkyl chains,”
    • 大江昌人,Doseok Kim,Y. R. Shen,
      “Rubbed polyimide surface studied by sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy: Rubbing-induced anisotropy probed by imide CO stretch”,
    • 大江昌人,Doseok Kim,Y. R. Shen,
      “Rubbed polyimide surface studied by sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy: Rubbing-induced anisotropy probed by imide CO Stretch and a rubbed polyimide,”
    • 大江昌人,Doseok Kim,Y. R. Shen,
      “Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy of a rubbed polyimide surface,”
    • 大江昌人,Seok-Cheol Hong,Y. R. Shen,
      “Polar ordering at an interface between an LC monolayer and a rubbed polyimide,”
    • 大江昌人,Seok-Cheol Hong,Y. R. Shen,
      “Polar ordering at an interface between an LC monolayer and a rubbed polyimide,”
    • 米谷慎,岩崎紀四郎,冨岡安,大江昌人,近藤克己,
      “IPS TFT-LCD の特性解析: セルギヤツプマージン拡大方法の検討,”
    • 大江昌人,近藤克己,
      “In-Plane Switching方式におけるセルギャップマージン解析,”
    • 大江昌人
      “In-Plane Switching方式液晶ディスプレイ,”
    • 大江昌人,梅田啓之,太田益幸,荒谷介和,近藤克己,
      “In-Plane Switching方式における液晶の電圧保持特性,”
    • 米谷慎,太田益幸,大江昌人,近藤克己,
    • 米谷慎,太田益幸,大江昌人,近藤克己,
      応用物理学会応用電子物性分科会主催 応用電子分科会研究会,東京,1997年7月23日.
    • 大江昌人,近藤克己,
      “In-Plane Switching方式における液晶の駆動原理,”
    • 近藤克己,太田益幸,大江昌人
    • 大江昌人,近藤克己,神藤保彦,
    • 大江昌人,近藤克己,神藤保彦,
    • 磯貝正人,大江昌人,北村輝夫,
    • 磯貝正人,大江昌人,北村輝夫,
    • 大江昌人,磯貝正人,北村輝夫,

    Seminar presentations

    • Day 1: “Liquid crystals and displays” and Day 2: “Intriguing molecular alignment in display materials,” in the intensive course for graduate students organized by the Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (Hsinchu, Taiwan, Mar. 27 and Apr. 10, 2024).
    • Day 1: “Liquid crystals and displays” and Day 2: “Intriguing molecular alignment in display materials,” in the intensive course for graduate students organized by the Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 19 and 26, 2023).
    • “Quest for deep-blue phosphorescence for OLEDs,” in the summer course for graduate students in the 9th International Summer Course on Nano Material Discovery “Electronic Materials” organized by the Department of Applied Chemistry, National Yang Min Chiao Tung University, Online (Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 27‒29, 2022).
    • Day 1: “Liquid crystals and displays” and Day 2: “Intriguing molecular alignment in display materials,” in the intensive course for graduate students organized by the Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 20 and 27, 2022).
    • “Intriguing Molecular Alignment in Display Materials,” delivered at the DAC Colloquium of the Department of Applied Chemistry, National Yang Min Chiao Tung University (Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 1, 2022).
    • “In-plane switching technology for liquid crystal displays: Electro-optical effect and its evolution and development,” in the seminar for graduate students in the 11th HiSEP Seminar of Saitama University, Online (Saitama, Japan, Jan. 14, 2021).
    • “In-plane switching technology—In-plane switching liquid crystal electro-optical effect and its evolution and development,” in the Topical Seminar of the Department of Photonics, National Chiao Tung University (Hsinchu, Taiwan, Nov. 22, 2019).
    • “In-plane switching technology—In-plane switching liquid crystal electro-optical effect and its evolution and development,” in the Department Seminar of the Department of Physics, National Chung Hsin University. (Taichung, Taiwan, Nov. 8, 2019).
    • “In-plane switching technology—In-plane switching liquid crystal electro-optical effect and its evolution and development,” Seminar for international students at National Tsing Hua University (Hsinchu, Taiwan, Oct. 4, 2018).
    • “Analysis of molecular alignment of vapor-deposited organic semiconductor molecules: Coexistence of randomization and constraint of molecular orientation,” seminar at the Department of Physics, Sogang University (Seoul, Republic of Korea, July 24, 2018).
    • “Analytical studies for development of liquid crystal displays and organic light-emitting diodes,” seminar at the Department of Physics, Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan, July 19, 2017).
    • “Analytical studies for development of liquid crystal displays and organic light-emitting diodes,” Condensed Matter Seminar at the Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University (Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 2, 2017).
    • “Analytical studies for development of organic optoelectronic devices—LCD & OLED—: Overview of my studies to date with research plan for the future,” seminar at the Display Technology Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute (Hsinchu, Taiwan, Jan. 18, 2017).
    • “Analytical studies for development of organic optoelectronic devices—LCD & OLED—,” Institute of Photonics Technologies Seminar at National Tsing Hua University (Hsinchu, Taiwan, Nov. 11, 2016).
    • “Rapid estimation of charge carrier mobility in amorphous organic materials using percolation corrected random-walk model,” seminar at the Department of Physics, Sogang University (Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 1, 2015).
    • “Luminescent properties of alkali-earth sulfide phosphors: Electronic state analysis by first principles calculation and ligand field theory,” seminar at the Department of Physics, Sogang University (Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 1, 2015).
    • “First principles calculation on electronic states and fluorescence properties of alkali-chalcogenide phosphors,” seminar at the Department of Physics, Sogang University (Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 3, 2014).
    • “Anisotropy in the amorphous film of cross-shaped molecules with an accompanying effect on carrier mobility,” seminar at the Department of Physics, Sogang University (Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 2, 2013).
    • “Theory and calculations on phosphorescent organometallic compounds: Aiming at deep-blue and highly efficient phosphorescence,” seminar at Sharp Laboratories of America (Camas, WA, USA, July 5, 2012).
    • “Theory and calculations on phosphorescent organometallic compounds: Aiming at deep-blue and highly efficient phosphorescence,” seminar at the Department of Physics, Sogang University (Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 4, 2012).
    • “Surfaces and interfaces for liquid crystals and alignment layers: Nonlinear optical spectroscopic studies,” and “R&D Strategies for innovative materials in Materials & Devices Technology Laboratories,” seminar at Sharp Laboratories of America (Camas, WA, USA, Dec. 5, 2011).
    • “Surface nonlinear opticsをツールとした 分子配向解析の理論と実践—液晶と配向膜の表面/界面—,” 日産化学 (船橋、Dec. 2, 2011).
    •  “Some studies on organic electronics,” seminar at the Department of Physics, Sogang University (Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 6, 2011).
    • “Imaging colloidal particle induced topological defects in a nematic liquid crystal by THG microscopy,” seminar at the Department of Physics, Sogang University (Seoul, Republic of Korea, May 1, 2010).
    • “Overview of recent studies: From LCDs to surfaces, chirality and colloids in liquid crystals,” Seminar at University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA, USA, Sep. 4, 2009).
    • “Probing chirality from a helically structured polymer thin film by sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopic study,” seminar at the Department of Physics, Sogang University (Seoul, Republic of Korea, July 6, 2009).
    • “Overview of recent studies: From LCDs to surfaces and colloids in liquid crystals,” seminar at the Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (Singapore, Aug. 1, 2007).
    • “Overview of recent studies: From LCDs to surfaces and colloids in liquid crystals,” seminar at the Department of Photonics, National Chiao Tung University (Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 30, 2007).
    • “Overview of recent studies: From LCDs to surfaces and colloids in liquid crystals,” seminar at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong, July 27, 2007).
    • “LCD配向膜の表面構造,” チッソ石油化学 (五井,Dec. 13, 2006).
    • “THz time-domain spectroscopy of liquid crystal colloids: High-frequency dielectric relaxation of liquid crystals,” seminar at University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, CA, USA, Sep. 8, 2006).
    • “Sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy for probing chirality from a helically structured polymer thin film,” seminar at National Institute of Standard and Technology (Gaithersburg, MD, USA, Sep. 5, 2006).
    • “Probing chirality from a helically structured polymer thin film by sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopic study,” seminar at the Department of Physics, Sogang University (Seoul, Republic of Korea, Aug. 25, 2006).
    • “Nonlinear optical spectroscopy for polymers: Probing surface structures and chirality,” Philips Research Laboratory Seminar (Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Nov. 24, 2005).



    Among many filed patents, leading granted-patents are listed below:

    • Oh-e, Masahito (大江昌人), 鄭登云, “テラヘルツ電磁波に用いる液晶デバイスおよびシステム (Liquid crystal device and system for THz Electromagnetic Waves),” Japan Patent Application 2022-062220, filed Apr. 4, 2022, granted Sep. 4, 2023, and Japan Patent P7356187 issued Oct. 4, 2023.
    • Oh-e, Masahito (大江昌人), 鄭登云, “液晶装置 (Liquid crystal device),” Taiwan Patent Application 110147985, filed Dec. 21, 2021 and granted June 1, 2023, and Taiwan Patent I804124 issued June. 1, 2023.
    • Oh-e, Masahito (大江昌人), 鄭登云, “液晶装置 (Liquid crystal device),” China Patent Application 202210029246.6, filed Jan. 11, 2022
    • Oh-e, Masahito and Deng-Yun Zheng, “Liquid crystal device and system for THz electromagnetic waves,” US Patent Application 17/522,911, filed Nov. 10, 2021, granted Nov. 2, 2022, and US Patent 11,550,192 B1 issued Jan. 10, 2023.
    • Yoshimasa Fujita, Masahito Oh-e, and Tetsuji Itoh, “Transition metal complex and organic light-emitting element using same, color-converting light-emitting element, light-converting light-emitting element, organic laser diode light-emitting element, dye laser, display device, illumination device, and electronic equipment,” US Patent 9,640,107, filed Nov. 22, 2012, and issued May 2, 2017.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Yoshimasa Fujita, Yuki Kobayashi, Ken Okamoto, Hidenori Ogata, and Makoto Yamada, “Light-emitting element, display and display device,” US Patent 8,796,719, filed  Sep. 01, 2011, and issued Aug. 5, 2014.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Masahiro Yanai, Nobutake Konishi, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani, and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions,” US Patent 8,704,988, filed March 5, 2013, and issued April 22, 2014.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Masahiro Yanai, Nobutake Konishi, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani, and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions,” US Patent 8,427,613, filed June 3, 2011, and issued Apr. 23, 2013.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Masahiro Yanai, Nobutake Konishi, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani, and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions,” US Patent 8,154,698, filed June 3, 2011, and issued Apr. 10, 2012.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Masahiro Yanai, Nobutake Konishi, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani,and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions. US Patent 7,956,973, filed Dec. 30, 2009, and issued June 7, 2011.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Masahiro Yanai, Nobutake Konishi, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani, and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions,” US Patent 7,724,334, filed Mar. 12, 2008, and issued May 25, 2010.
    • Yuka Utsumi, Katsumi Kondo, Ikuo Hiyama, Osamu Itoh, Masahito Oh-e, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, and Keiichiro Ashizawa, “Active matrix type liquid crystal display apparatus,” US Patent 7,684,005, filed Oct. 2, 2008 and issued Mar. 23, 2010.
    • Yuka Utsumi, Katsumi Kondo, Ikuo Hiyama, Osamu Itoh, Masahito Oh-e, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, and Keiichiro Ashizawa, “Active matrix type liquid crystal display apparatus,” US Patent 7,433,012, filed Dec. 13, 2005 and issued Oct. 7, 2008.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Masahiro Yanai, Nobutake Konishi, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani, and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions,” US Patent 7,345,729, filed June 15, 2006, and issued Mar. 18, 2008.
    • Yuka Utsumi, Katsumi Kondo, Ikuo Hiyama, Osamu Itoh, Masahito Oh-e, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, and Keiichiro Ashizawa, “Active matrix type liquid crystal display apparatus,” US Patent 7,209,211, filed July 30, 2003 and issued Apr. 24, 2007.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Masahiro Yanai, Nobutake Konishi, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani, and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions,” US Patent 7,158,202, filed Mar. 28, 2003, and issued Jan. 2, 2007.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Katsumi Kondo, and Masuyuki Ohta, “Active matrix type liquid crystal display apparatus,” US Patent 7,112,355, filed Dec. 3, 2004 and issued Sep. 26, 2006.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Masahiro Yanai, Nobutake Konishi, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani, and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions,” US Patent 7,095,470, filed Mar. 28, 2003, and issued Aug. 22, 2006.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Masahiro Yanai, Nobutake Konishi, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani, and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions,” US Patent 7,088,414, filed Mar. 28, 2003, and issued Aug. 8, 2006.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Masahiro Yanai, Nobutake Konishi, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani, and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions,” US Patent 7,079,212, filed Mar. 28, 2003, and issued July 18, 2006.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Masahiro Yanai, Nobutake Konishi, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani, and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions,” US Patent 7,046,325, filed Aug. 11, 2003, and issued May 16, 2006.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Masahiro Yanai, Nobutake Konishi, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani, and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions,” US Patent 7,046,324, filed Sep. 10, 2002, and issued May 16, 2006.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Shigeru Matsuyama, Kenkichi Suzuki, and Masaaki Matsuda, “Polarized UV light irradiation method for liquid crystal display device,” US Patent 6,924,860, filed Apr. 15, 2004 and issued Aug. 2, 2005.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Katsumi Kondo, and Masuyuki Ohta, “Active matrix type liquid crystal display apparatus,” US Patent 6,849,309, filed May 15, 2003 and issued Feb. 1, 2005.
    • Masahito Oh-e and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device,” US Patent 6,844,907, filed Dec. 16, 2002 and issued Jan. 18, 2005.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Katsumi Kondo, and Masuyuki Ohta, “Active matrix liquid crystal display apparatus,” US Patent 6,830,787, filed July 14, 1999 and issued Dec. 14, 2004.
    • Yuka Utsumi, Katsumi Kondo, Ikuo Hiyama, Osamu Itoh, Masahito Oh-e, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, and Keiichiro Ashizawa, “Active matrix type liquid crystal display apparatus including liquid crystal layer having different thicknesses at portions where different colors of light are transmitted,” US Patent 6,621,538, filed May 18, 2000 and issued Sep. 16, 2003.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani, and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions,” US Patent 6,545,658, filed Apr. 25, 2001, and issued Apr. 8, 2003.
    • Masahito Oh-e and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device,” US Patent 6,504,594, filed July 24, 2001 and issued Jan. 7, 2003.
    • Hidehiro Sonoda, Masahito Oh-e, Hiroaki Asuma, and Shigeru Matsuyama, “Liquid crystal display device having a spacer,” US Patent 6,433,852, filed Dec. 3, 1999 and issued Aug. 13, 2002.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Yasuyuki Mishima, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Masahito Oh-e, Masahiro Yanai, and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device with wide viewing angle characteristics,” US Patent 6,417,906, filed Dec. 12, 2000 and issued July 9, 2002.
    • Masahito Oh-e and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device with substantial elimination of residual image,” US Patent 6,300,994, filed June 21, 1999 and issued Oct. 9, 2001.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Shigeru Matsuyama, Kenkichi Suzuki, and Masaaki Matsuda, “Liquid crystal display device having orientation film oriented by light,” US Patent 6,295,110, filed Nov. 4, 1998 and issued Sep. 25, 2001.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Masahiro Yanai, Nobutake Konishi, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Sukekazu Aratani, and Hagen Klausmann, “In-plane field type liquid crystal display device comprising liquid crystal molecules with more than two kinds of reorientation directions,” US Patent 6,266,116, filed Sep. 26, 1996, and issued July 24, 2001.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Yasuyuki Mishima, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Masahito Oh-e, Masahiro Yanai, and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device with double-layered structure for gate line and/or data line,” US Patent 6,201,590, filed  Nov. 19, 1999 and issued Mar. 13, 2001.
    • Yuka Utsumi, Katsumi Kondo, Ikuo Hiyama, Osamu Itoh, Masahito Oh-e, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, and Keiichiro Ashizawa, “Active matrix type liquid crystal display apparatus with light source color compensation,” US Patent 6,137,560, filed Oct. 23, 1996 and issued Oct. 24, 2000.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Masahiko Ando, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, and Kazuhiko Yanagawa, “Parallel field liquid crystal display with counter electrodes connected to the scan lines,” US Patent 6,108,065, filed Oct. 28, 1998 and issued Aug. 22, 2000.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Yasuyuki Mishima, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Masahito Oh-e, Masahiro Yanai, and Katsumi Kondo, “LCD with parallel field having counter electrode(s) at least equal to 1/2 width of video signal line. US Patent 6,064,460, filed May 15, 1998 and issued May 16, 2000.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Katsumi Kondo, and Masuyuki Ohta, “Parallel field active matrix type liquid crystal display using liquid crystal having particular electrical properties,” US Patent 6,011,606, filed  Mar. 17, 1995 and issued Jan. 4, 2000.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Yasuyuki Mishima, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Masahito Oh-e, Masahiro Yanai, and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device with wide viewing angle characteristics,” US Patent 5,978,059, filed May 15, 1998 and issued Nov. 2, 1999.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Yasuyuki Mishima, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Masahito Oh-e, Masahiro Yanai, and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device with parallel field having particular spacing and width,” US Patent 5,956,111, filed May 15, 1998 and issued Sep. 21, 1999.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Shigeru Matsuyama, and Masaaki Matsuda, “Active matrix liquid crystal display device method for checking the alignment ability of a photo-alignment layer,” US Patent 5,949,509, filed May 8, 1998 and issued Sep. 7, 1999.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Yasuyuki Mishima, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Masahito Oh-e, Masahiro Yanai, and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device with wide viewing angle characteristics,” US Patent 5,929,958, filed May 15, 1998 and issued July 27, 1999.
    • Masahito Oh-e and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device with at least one of insulating layer and orienting film,” US Patent 5,914,761, filed Dec. 19, 1996 and issued June 22, 1999.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Katsumi Kondo, Masuyuki Ohta, and Shuichi Ohara, “Active matrix type liquid crystal display apparatus,” US Patent 5,910,271, filed Aug. 16, 1996 and issued June 8, 1999.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Masahiko Ando, Katsumi Kondo, Masahito Oh-e, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, “Parallel field liquid crystal display with counter electrodes connected to the scan lines,” US Patent 5,831,707, filed Aug. 24, 1995 and issued Nov. 3, 1998.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Katsumi Kondo, and Masahito Oh-e, “Active matrix type LCD having light shield layers and counter electrodes made of the same material,” US Patent 5,781,261, filed July 8, 1996 and issued July 14, 1998.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Yasuyuki Mishima, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Masahito Oh-e, Masahiro Yanai, and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device with wide viewing angle characteristics,” US Patent 5,754,266, filed Mar. 4, 1996 and issued May 19, 1998.
    • Masahito Oh-e and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device having the electric field parallel to the substrates,” US Patent 5,600,464, filed Sep. 20, 1994 and issued Feb. 4, 1997.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Yasuyuki Mishima, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Masahito Oh-e, Masahiro Yanai, and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device with wide viewing angle characteristics,” European Patent EP1202108, filed Mar. 15, 1996 and issued July 7, 2010.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Yasuyuki Mishima, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Masahito Oh-e, Masahiro Yanai, and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device with wide viewing angle characteristics,” European Patent EP0732612, filed Mar. 15, 1996 and issued Oct. 12, 2005.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Katsumi Kondo, and Masuyuki Ohta, “Active matrix type liquid crystal display apparatus,” European Patent EP0673986, filed Mar. 17, 1995 and issued May 26, 2004.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Katsumi Kondo, Masuyuki Ohta, and Shuichi Ohara, “Active matrix type liquid crystal display apparatus,” European patent EP0667555, filed February 13, 1995 and issued August 20, 2003.
    • Masahito Oh-e and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device having the electric field parallel to the substrates,” European Patent EP0644452, filed September 20, 1994 and issued July 30, 2003.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Shigeru Matsuyama, and Kenkichi Suzuki, “Liquid crystal display device and polarizing light irradiation method and device thereof,” China Patent CN1231432, filed Nov. 5, 1998 and issued Oct. 13, 1999.
    • Katsumi Kondo, Masuyuki Ohta, and Masahito Oh-e, “Liquid crystal display apparatus,” China Patent CN1168478, filed Sep. 10, 1996 and issued Dec. 24, 1997.
    • Masahito Oh-e, Katsumi Kondo,and Masuyuki Ohta, “Active matrix type liquid crystal display apparatus,” China Patent CN1126348, filed Mar. 17, 1995 and issued July 10, 1996.
    • Masahito Oh-e and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device,” China Patent CN1106544, filed Sep. 19, 1994 and issued Aug. 9, 1995.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Yasuyuki Mishima, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Masahito Oh-e, Masahiro Yanai, and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device,” Korean Patent KR100413584, filed May 18, 2002 and issued Jan. 3, 2004.
    • Masuyuki Ohta, Kazuhiko Yanagawa, Keiichiro Ashizawa, Yasuyuki Mishima, Kazuhiro Ogawa, Masahito Oh-e, Masahiro Yanai, and Katsumi Kondo, “Liquid crystal display device having wide viewing angle characteristics,” Korean Patent KR100390283, filed May 2, 1998 and issued Oct. 17, 2003.

Optoelectronics Soft-Matter Lab

E-mail : oh-e[at]

Professor's office : Delta Bldg.(台達館)R838, Phone : 03-5162183

Laboratory : EECS(資電館)R617, 618, Phone : 03-571513(Ext.34097)

National Tsing Hua University

No. 101, Section 2, Kuang-Fu Road, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30013, R.O.C.


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Copyright © Optoelectronics Soft-Matter Lab