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Current Projects

Project Title:

Studies of dynamics of external urethral sphincter during micturition of rats

Principal Investigator: Shyang Chang

Funding Source:


Instillation of cold water into the urinary bladder has been used as a diagnostic test to evaluate neurogenic dysfuctions of the lower urinary tract (LUT). The graph of the bladder pressure and EUS EMG are obviously different with room temperature simulation. In the physiologic field, we know that cold temperature stimulate capsaicin-sensitive C fiber bladder afferents that reflexly activate the EUS, producing detrusor and EUS dyssynergia and increasing urethral outlet resistance. We will analyze the normal rats with room-temperature and cold-temperature stimulation by the modern methods of nonlinear dynamics. Finally, we will compare the details of the EUS of the above cases during micturiion in order to acquire the insight. Hence, it will enable us to give physiological meaning in different cases.


Project Title:

            Studies of micturition mechanism of rats via chaotic dynamics and fractal theory

Principal Investigator: Shyang Chang

Funding Source: National Science Council (2000/8-2001/7)


    The accordant center of the detrusor and EUS is in the pons. Any injury between pons and sacral cord will interfere this accordant action. It may not letdown the EUS or contract effectively during the contraction of the detrusor. So the bladder can’t empty completely. The graph of the detrusor and the EUS EMG are also different with the normal animals.In the NSC program last year, we devoted ourselves to establish the interrelationship between the detrusor and external urethral sphincter (EUS) of the Wistar rats (the normal rats with room temperature stimulation, the normal rats with cold stimulation, the rats after SCI). We then  quantitatively analyzed the variation of three stages (the period before pressure increased, during micturition, and after micturition) of EUS. In the upcoming year, we will analyze the micturition mechanism for normal rats with room temperature stimulation, the normal rats with cold water stimulation, and the rats after SCI. In order to avoid the insufficiency in traditional methods, we will test if it is suitable to use the optimal linear model by using surrogate data. We will then use chaotic dynamics and fractal theory to compare the details of the EUS of the above cases during micturition in order to acquire the insight. Hence, it will enable us to give physiological meaning in different cases and hopefully will help the doctors to diagnose the patients in clinical practice.