On the basis of microelectronic Circuits I and II, you should now have a good
understanding of semiconductor transistors
and the related analog circuits. You should be familiar with the operation principles of MOSFETs and BJTs, single-stage and
multi-stage amplifiers, frequency response, feedback, and fundamental design of operational amplifiers (OP-Amps). In this class,
you need to explore more on these subjects. In addition to book study and hand calculation, extensive hands on works about
simulating circuit (HSPICE) and building actual amplifiers (both breadboard and PCB) are required. These will be very useful
experiences for EE students especially if you would like to be a top-notch
analog IC designer in the future.
Teaching Method
There are 1~2 hours of class in room 208 before each lab. Also, one quiz about
the experimental materials before each lab.
are 5 labs total.