Video Super-Resolution Project
-Subjective Quality Comparison

1Chih-Chun Hsu, 1Chia-Wen Lin, and Li-Wei Kang

1Department of Electrical Engineering
National Tsing Hua University
Hsinchu 30013, Taiwan


In order to subjectively evaluate the performance of the proposed SR method, we conduct a paired comparison-based subjective user study [32]. We invited 20 subjects to join the experiments, where each subject was given two side-by-side SR videos obtained by two different evaluated SR methods (in a random order) at a time, and was asked to choose their preference from the two SR videos in terms of visual quality, temporal coherence, and details reconstruction, respectively. The visual quality is based on subjective user preference. Moreover, the temporal coherence is used to evaluate the temporal consistency in the SR videos, whereas the details restoration is designed to evaluate the performance of the ability of the HR details recovery from LR videos. The 20 subjects include 13 males and 7 females, whose ages ranging from 21 to 31, without knowledge of the evaluated SR methods. The device used to display these SR videos was a full-HD 23-inch LCD display with color temperature 4300K.

In our subjective experiments, we compare the proposed method with Bicubic, SC-SR, NLIBP-SR, ASDS-SR, and TS-SR for the four test videos. Each SR method is pairwise compared with the others by totally 5 (methods), 4 (test videos) ´ 20 (subjects) = 400 times, implying that 80 comparisons are made between every two methods for the four test videos. To quantify the subjective evaluation results, we calculate the winning frequency matrix [wij] , i, j = 1, 2, …, 6 proposed in [32], where the (i,j)-th entry wij  indicates the number of times that the i-th method outperforms the j-th method determined by the subjects in the paired comparisons. For each categorization of performance evaluation (visual quality, temporal coherence, and details reconstruction), as respectively shown in Table 1Table 3, we calculate the relative winning percentages wij /Nij, between the i-th and j-th methods, where Nij is the number of comparisons made between every two methods.

Subjective Quality Comparison

Table 1: Subjective "Visual Quality" Evaluation by Paired Comparisons (in Relative Winning Percentage) for the Four Reconstructed HR Videos Obtained Using the Proposed, ASDS-SR [11], NLIBP-SR [6], SC-SR [9], Bicubic [3], and TS-SR [26] Methods.

Table 2: Subjective "Temporal Coherence" Evaluation by Paired Comparisons (in Relative Winning Percentage) for the Four Reconstructed HR Videos Obtained Using the Proposed method, ASDS-SR, NLIBP-SR, SC-SR, Bicubic, and TS-SR.

Table 3: Subjective “Details Reconstruction” Evaluation by Paired Comparisons (in Relative Winning Percentage) for the Four Reconstructed HR Videos Obtained Using the Proposed method, ASDS-SR, NLIBP-SR, SC-SR, Bicubic, and TS-SR.


Table 1~3 show that the proposed method perform the best subjectively in visual quality and details reconstruction, and the second best in temporal coherence based on the subjective quality evaluation criterion proposed in [32]. Note, Table 2 shows that the Bicubic method outperforms the others in temporal coherence, which is the only item in which our method does not perform the best. The main reason is that the bicubic method is simply based on interpolation, where only the pixel values within the LR version of an image itself are used for SR and the interpolation scheme is temporally consistent, thereby resulting in better temporal consistency while leading to poor performance in both visual quality and details reconstruction.


[6] W. Dong, L. Zhang, G. Shi, and X. Wu, “Nonlocal back-projection for adaptive image enlargement,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Process., Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 2009, pp. 349352.
[9] J. Yang, J. Wright, T. Huang, and Y. Ma, “Image super-resolution via sparse representation,” IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 2861–2873, Nov. 2010.
[11] W. Dong, L. Zhang, G. Shi, and X. Wu, “Image deblurring and super-resolution by adaptive sparse domain selection and adaptive regularization,” IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 20, no. 7, pp. 18381857, July 2011.
[26] Y. HaCohen, R. Fattal, and D. Lischinski, “Image upsampling via texture hallucination,” in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Comput. Photography, Cambridge, MA, USA, pp. 2030, Mar. 2010.
[32] J.-S. Lee, “On designing paired comparison experiments for subjective multimedia quality assessment,” IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 564–571, Feb. 2014.