Chia-Wen Lin received his Ph.D. degree from the
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (EE/NTHU),
Hsinchu, Taiwan, in January 2000. He is a professor with EE/NTHU since
August 2007. Prior to joining EE/NTHU in 2007, he worked for the Department of Computer Science
and Information Engineering, National
Chung Cheng University
(CSIE/CCU), Chiayi, Taiwan from August 2000
to July 2007.
He was with the Information and Communications
Research Laboratories, Industrial
Technology Research Institute (ICL/ITRI), Hsinchu, Taiwan,
during 1992~2000,
where his final post was Section Manager. He
served as a visiting scholar at the Information Processing
Laboratory, Department of
Electrical Engineering, University of
Washington, USA during April~August
2000, a
visiting professor with Microsoft
Research Asia, Beijing, China, during July-August 2002, with National
Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan from August 2015 to February 2016, and
with Nagoya University during June~December 2019. His research interests include visual content analysis and processing,
and video networking.
Dr. Lin was named IEEE Fellow for his contributions to
multimedia coding and editing in 2018. He is serving on the Board-of-Governors
(2022~2024) and Fellow Evaluation Committee (2021~2023) of IEEE Circuits and
Systems Society (CASS). He was a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE CASS
(2018~2019). He also served as President of the Chinese Image Processing and
Pattern Recognition Association, Taiwan (2019~2020). His paper won the Young
Investigator Award of SPIE VCIP 2005 and Best Paper Award of IEEE VCIP 2015. He
was a recipient of the Distinguished Research Award (2023) and the Ta-You Wu
Memorial Award (2006) both presented by National Science & Technology
Council (NSTC), Taiwan. He has served on the editorial board of IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on
Multimedia, IEEE
Multimedia Magazine, Journal
of Visual Communication and Image Representation, and Signal
Processing: Image Communication. He also served as a Guest Editor of five
special issues for IEEE
Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on
Multimedia, EURASIP Journal on Advances in
Signal Processing, and Journal
of Visual Communication and Image Representation, respectively. He was
Chair of the Multimedia
Systems and Applications Technical Committee of IEEE Circuits and Systems
Society (2013~2015). He served as
Steering Committee Chair of IEEE ICME (2020~2021), TPC Co-Chair of IEEE ICIP
2019 and ICME 2010, General Co-Chair of IEEE VCIP 2018 and PCS 2024, and
Special Session Co-Chair of IEEE ICME 2009 and ICME 2018.
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Last updated on August 2024 by Chia-Wen Lin